̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê Surgeons support Facial Palsy UK awareness week

6th March 2015


̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê surgeons Charles Nduka and Omar Ahmed have joined the campaign to raise awareness about the physical, social, and psychological impact of facial paralysis.

As part of the week long #facemyday campaign from 1-7th March male supporters are sporting a half-beard, whilst women are wearing full make up on one side of their face whilst the other side remains bare. 

The campaign coincides with release of figures showing that patients are still not getting adequate and timely access to care. In a study of over 400 patients referred to the facial palsy specialist service at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, the average time between being onset of facial palsy and being seen at the specialist unit was over five years, with over half of patients reporting significant symptoms of anxiety or depression

Talking about the #facemyday campaign, Charles Nduka says;

“Facial palsy goes beyond looking different, but by sporting half beards or half make-up, we aim to start a dialogue about an often misunderstood condition that affects over 100,000 people in the UK. I've found the experience of being looked upon for having a visible difference really enlightening. The sidelong glances of strangers and whispered comments have made me more aware of what life can be like for many of those with facial paralysis. ”


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