Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations responds to publication of outcome data

20th November 2014


In response to the publication on 19 November 2014 of the Consultant Outcomes Data, John MacFie President of the Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations (FSSA) warns:

"The publication today of individual surgeons’ performance data is crude and can be misleading, and does not include essential information such as duration of hospital stay and returns to theatre. There is now good anecdotal evidence that shows publishing this data has encouraged risk averse behaviour, which is not in the interest of patients. I believe that the data should only be published after any concerns in a surgeon’s performance have been investigated.”

He also raises concerns about using low volumes of data, difficulties with case mix, risk adjustment and the accuracy of data collection.

“In reality very few deaths can be attributed to surgical error alone, and this data only attracts attention away from institutional failings. Put simply, hospitals should not be allowing surgeons to practise unless they can demonstrate their practice is safe

The FSSA's previous positioning statement is available to view


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