MP debates for regulation of non-surgical procedures

13th February 2019


After being contacted by a constituent who had a reaction to lip filler injections, MP Alberto Costa has called for regulation in the beauty industry, covering treatments such as dermal fillers and Botox injections. 

Many botched cosmetic procedures are corrected by Plastic Surgeons who have noticed a worryingly increasing trend in such cases, with 616 complaints reported in 2018 compared with 249 in 2016. This provides clear evidence for better training and regulation of cosmetic practitioners to ensure improved public safety and that patients are protected if something goes wrong. 

During the debate, almost all participants recognised and advocated the need for greater regulation in the field of non-surgical cosmetic procedures. In particular, Costa called for all professionals in the industry to be regulated, trained, qualified and licensed, and to have professional indemnity insurance. He argued that all practitioners should be registered with the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP). 

Jackie Doyle-Price, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Mental Health, Inequalities and Suicide Prevention, concluded the debate, with a focus on the need for greater public education and empowering of the consumer to make an informed decision about the procedures. Doyle-Price was particularly concerned by the impact of social media and mental health among young people on making poor or rushed decisions.There was a general consensus among MPs that TV and social media advertising of cosmetic procedures was irresponsible.

Doyle-Price emphasised that government will be working closely with industry bodies, including the JCCP, to ensure the recommendations of Sir Bruce Keogh's 2013 review were implemented. Doing so however, merely served to reinforce how little had been done since then.

To watch Mr Costa's debate in Parliament, click here: 


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