SAC vacancies

3rd December 2010


The JCST acts jointly on behalf of the four surgical Royal Colleges of the UK and Ireland, and the Specialist Surgical Associations in Great Britain and Ireland for all matters in relation to surgical training in the UK and Ireland.

It is organised on a committee structure; the JCST is the parent body responsible for policy issues and delegates matters relating to each surgical specialty to its subcommittees, the SACs. The JCST is looking for practising NHS Consultants who are committed to training and would like to make a real contribution to a number of surgical specialties, including plastics.

Meetings of the SACs are held in London (4-5 times per year) and travel expenses to SAC meetings are paid by the Hospital Trust or Health Board where the representative works.

Membership of the SAC is for a period of five years. If you are interested and would like to find out more please visit the  or phone 0207 869 6252. The closing date for applications is 28th February 2011


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