Updated ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê BOA standards for open fracture management

11th May 2021


The updated ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê BOA standards for open fracture management was finally published last summer by Oxford University Press. This book was the culmination of many years of cross specialty discussions on format and content. It was originally intended to be launched during the various societal meetings both for plastic surgeons and orthopaedic surgeons alike. COVID 19 put paid to that intention. It remains a great source of pleasure for me to bring this book to your collective attention. It is a hallmark of thoroughness and impartiality and of collaboration bringing much talent and a wider spread of contributors from both specialties.

Chapters from the 2009 book have been updated and, as requested by many members, some have been added especially on how to set up an effective ortho-plastic service and on outcomes and rehabilitation. The book is both to the point and gives the reader scope for further in-depth reading to expand their knowledge base.

Evidence is also presented and criticised to form a guide, which promotes reliable and effective practice with the goal, of improving patient outcomes in the clinical setting. The intention is to present the evidence to the reader allowing a safe decision-making but with real practical tips.  This is useful resource to both trainees, specialists’ plastic and orthopaedic surgeons and to physios and specialist nurses. ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê will be sending each unit a complimentary hard copy.


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