Overseas Doctors

Surgical training in the UK has undergone enormous change in recent times. Overseas trainees may join the training pathway for plastic surgery at any stage.

As an overseas trainee you may initially experience difficulties in finding a job. You should look for standalone CT1/CT2 jobs which are available as a third year of basic surgical training.

To obtain a specialist training post represents a difficult transition. All posts must be interviewed and all must be in open competition. It must be said that competition for these posts is very strong indeed.

Overseas trainees may apply for:
•  Type One training (NTN) leading to CCT and inclusion in the Specialist Register
•  Type Two Training (VTN/FTN) which does not necessarily lead to CCT
•  Locum Appointment for Training (LAT)
•  Locum Appointment for Services (LAS). LAS is not a recognised training post

GMC registration and language skills

It is a legal requirement to hold registration with the GMC to undertake clinical duties. Applicants must be able to provide the GMC with evidence of capability to practice.

Applicants must also have passed the academic module '' (ILTS) with a score of greater than 7.0 in each of the four parts (reading, writing, listening and speaking). IELTS results are valid for two years from the test date.

Professional & Linguistics Assessment Board Examination (PLAB)
The PLAB test aims to secure that overseas qualified doctors attending patients have appropriate standards of clinical knowledge and ability to communicate in English. Doctors with qualifications accepted by the GMC and who have completed a 12-month internship acceptable to the country where they qualified may take the test and, on passing, be granted limited registration to work in the NHS.

More information about  PLAB can be found on the GMC website

Visas and Permits

Home Office Visa
All people entering the UK must have a passport and other travel documents valid for the UK. In addition, certain nationals will require visas and this will need to be checked with the appropriate British representative prior to travel to this country.

See the  for further information. The Immigration and Nationality Department deals with visas.

Permit-free Training (PFT)
For doctors engaging in basic specialist or general professional training or who hold appointments in the SHO grade or equivalent, there is an initial grant of time not exceeding three years with provision for extension of the period. However there is an aggregated maximum limit of four years PFT.

For doctors who qualify for higher specialist training (HST) or who hold appointments in the Specialist Registrar grade or its equivalent, there is an initial grant of not exceeding three years and the provision of a further extension of stay each not exceeding three years, depending on the requirements of their training programme. Doctors in non-training posts will require a permit.
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