EMSB: Emergency Management of Severe Burn Course

Date Location
26 September 2024 Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, London
11 October 2024 Birmingham
26 October 2024 Chelmsford
31 October 2024 (2 days) Military, DMS(W) Lichfield
1 November 2024 Liverpool

Event information:

The Emergency Management of Severe Burns (EMSB) course provides burn specific trauma management guidelines, which are additive and complimentary to those taught on other trauma courses eg ATLS.  

EMSB is a “stand alone” one-day course that covers the principles of the emergency management of severe burns in the British Isles including practical exercises in burn size assessment, fluid resuscitation, airway and wound management, paediatric burn care, electrical and chemical injuries and simulated cases.

The course is appropriate for medical and nursing practitioners who may be required to provide initial management to patients with severe burn injuries e.g. those working anywhere in the field of burn care, anaesthesia, trauma, pre-hospital and emergency medicine.

The EMSB course has been awarded 8 consultant CPD credits

Course fee:  £345 to include lunch and refreshments

To book online: 

Further Information from:  emsb@britishburnassociation.org