Aesthetic Prize

Formerly known as the Mentor Prize until 2011, this is awarded annually to the author of the best paper on the subject of aesthetic surgery, published in JPRAS.

Winners are currently offered free registration to one Scientific Meeting or Advanced Educational Course

Past Winners

 1991 R De La Plaza, E Valiente & J Ma Aroza Supraperiostial lifting of the upper two thirds of the face' 
 1992 D Harris & R Slator  Are rhinoplasty patients potentially mad
 1993 D J Coleman, D T Sharpe, I L Naylor, C L Chander & S E Cross The role of the contractile fibroblast in the capsules around tissue expanders and implants
 1994 D Marchac & G Sandor  Face lifts and sprayed fibrin glue: an outcome analysis of 200 patients
 1995 B M Jones  Facelifting: an initial eight-year experience 
 1996 N S Sarhadi  An anatomical study of the nerve supply of the breast including nipple and the areola 
 1997 C Malata, L Feldberg, D J Coleman, I T H Foo & D T Sharpe  Textured or smooth implants for breast augmentation? A three-year follow-up of a prospective randomised controlled trial
 1998 A A Georgantopolou, K Al-Nakib & A A Quaba   Treatment of arborising telangiectasia with pulsed tunable dye laser (SPTL-1b)
 1999 T M Brotherston, T P La H Brown, C Ringrose, R E Hyland & A A Cole   A method of assessing female breast morphometry and its clinical application
 2001 R Grover, B M Jones & N Waterhouse  The prevention of haematoma following rhytidectomy: a review of 1078 consecutive facelifts 
 2002 M Bisson, R Grover & A O Grobbelaar Long-term results of facial rejuvenation by carbon dioxide laser resurfacing using a quantitative method of assessment
 2003 P N Blondeel, M Hamdi, K A Van de Sijpe, K H I Van Landuyt, F E F Thiessen & S J M Monstrey  The latro-central glandular pedicle technique for breast reduction 
 2004 V Cocquvt  Better cosmetic results and comparable quality of life after skin-sparing mastectomy and immediate autologous breast reconstruction compared to breast conservative treatment' 
 2005 S J McCulley & R D MacMillan  Planning and use of therapeutic mammoplasty - Nottingham approach
 2007 I S Whitaker, L Mason, D E Boyce & M A C S Cooper  An analysis of 1361 aesthetic procedures from 2000 to 2005 in a large regional plastic surgery unit: implications for cosmetic surgery training
 2008 V F Blackburn & A V Blackburn  Taking a history in aesthetic surgery: SAGA- the surgeon's tool for patient selection
 2010 Y Xie, D N Zheng, Q F Li, B Gu, K Liu, G X Shen, L L Q Pu  An integrated fat grafting technique  for cosmetic facial contouring
 2011 M G Berry, V Cucciara & D M Davies  Breast augmentation: part III - pre-operative considerations and planning 
 2012 M G Berry & J J Stanek  The PIP mammary prosthesis: a product recall study
 2013 H H Peltoniemi  Stem cell enrichment does not warrant a higher graft survival in lipofilling of the breast: a prospective comparative study
 2014 Y Goodwin, E J Barron, M C Edmunds, M Meyer, A Bardsley, A M Logan, T J O'Neill, S H Wood A comparison of the patient and surgeon opinion on the lung-term aesthetic outcome of reduction mammoplasty: have we improved over 15 years? 
 2015 S M W Pool & B van der Lei Asymmetry in upper blepharoplasty: a retrospective evaluation study of 365 bilateral upper blepharoplasties conducted between January 2004 and December 2013
 2016 J Leckenby, J Chana, D Harrison, A Grobbelaar  Poly Implant Prothèse™ (PIP) experience in the United Kingdom: A prospective cohort study into the accuracy of diagnostic imaging findings in comparison to operative findings of 1029 implants’ 
 2017 H A Rakhorst, M A M Mureau, R D Cooter, J McNeil, M van Hooff, R van der Hulst, J Hommes, M Hoornweg  The new opt-out Dutch National Breast Implant Registry- lessons learnt from the road to implementation
 2018 S Lowes, F MacNeill, L Martin, J M. O'Donoghue, M O. Pennick, A Redman, R Wilson
Breast imaging for aesthetic surgery: British Society of Breast Radiology (BSBR), Association of Breast Surgery Great Britain & Ireland (ABS), British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê)
 2019 P.E.R. Spronk, B.E. Becherer, J. Hommes, X.H.A. Keuter, D.A. Young-Afat, M.J. Hoornweg, M.W.J.M. Wouters, M.A.M. Mureau, and others
How to improve patient safety and quality of care in breast implant surgery? First outcomes from the Dutch Breast Implant Registry (2015–2017)