What to ask your surgeon

The decision to have cosmetic surgery shouldn’t be made lightly. You need to think long and hard about whether it is the right choice for you. You have to be sure that you have clear reasons for wanting cosmetic surgery, and that these have been made by you and you alone. Take time to consider your options and make sure that you have researched your chosen procedure to be certain it will improve your wellbeing and quality of life.

Once you have made a final decision, there are some critical questions to ask your plastic surgeon to ensure you receive the best possible care. Follow our guide to make sure that you don’t make any compromises when it comes to choosing your surgeon.

1. Who will operate on me? 

Make sure you see the surgeon who will be performing your procedure right from the start and not one of their representatives. It is important you have a thorough consultation with your operating surgeon so you can talk frankly and openly about your goals and the changes you want to see to ensure the best outcome. You should expect to be a charged for a thorough first consultation for a professional opinion. Good plastic surgeons should offer you a second consultation, at no extra cost, after you have had time to cool off and think things through.

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê recommends... that you only visit a plastic surgeon who can offer two consultations, giving you time to agree your goals and the changes you want to see. If a surgeon does not offer this opportunity, walk away.

2. What are your qualifications? 

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, you should contact a fully qualified surgeon listed on the General Medical Council’s (GMC) Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery who can provide you with a proper consultation and advice, and allow you adequate time to make an informed decision based on the identified risks and benefits. If your plastic surgeon is a full member of ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê, they are not only qualified and registered on the GMC’s Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery, but also adhere to a strict code of practice around quality of patient care. To find out if your surgeon is listed on the GMC’s Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery, visit the GMC website. 

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê recommends... that you only visit a plastic surgeon who is listed on the GMC Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery and is a full member of an accredited professional body such as ̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê or BAAPS.

3. What is your complication and re-operation rate? 

Ask how they measure their results, what their complication rate is and what proportion of their patients needs further corrective surgery. These are perfectly reasonable questions to ask and a good plastic surgeon will be pleased to explain their results and experience to you.

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê recommends... that you only visit a plastic surgeon who takes time to explain how they measure patient satisfaction, and how many of their patients require further corrective surgery after the main procedure. 

4. What are the potential risks and complications? 

There are risks with any surgical procedure. Do your homework on complications before the consultation and gauge how this matches with what you are told. Find out what they are, how often they occur, and how they will be handled if they do occur. If the practitioner does not volunteer this information, or underplays it, walk away. 

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê recommends... that you only visit a plastic surgeon who does not shy away from talking about the risks or potential complications for each procedure. All good plastic surgeons should dedicate time during your initial consultation to discuss this and should be able to answer any questions you have.

5. What results can I expect and how long will they last for? 

Ask the plastic surgeon to define subjective terms such as ‘significantly improved’. Ask the surgeon if the procedure will need to be repeated in the future to maintain the result. If you are having implants ask how long they will last and if they will need to be removed or replaced at a later date. Ask for help to understand what is covered in the cost of the procedure and what sort of things may happen in the future which would have to be paid for separately. 

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê recommends... that you only visit a plastic surgeon who can provide a full and realistic explanation of whether a procedure will require further medical attention or further costs to maintain the desired effect.

6. What aftercare do you provide?

Aftercare can be just as important as the surgery itself, so make sure you know who to contact and how you will be looked after and for what period, especially if there are any complications or problems following your surgery or treatment.

̨ÍåÁùºÏ²Ê recommends... that you only visit a plastic surgeon who can give you a detailed account of the aftercare that you are entitled to following surgery. All good plastic surgeons and the hospitals in which they work should provide you with a clear pathway for advice and care if there are any problems. 

To download our expert guide on choosing the right surgeon, including these questions, click here.